Online sources for Canadian jurisprudence

$ FEE-based databases: WestlaweCarswell & LexisNexis Quicklaw

Note: There are specific legal databases for Quebec. The principal ones are:  Droit civil en ligne (DCL) / Répertoire électronique de jurisprudence du Barreau (REJB) [Editions Yvon Blais] and AZIMUT (SOQUIJ).



Database contents: WestlaweCarswell represents the merger of two large legal database suppliers owned by Thomson Publishing, to provide Canadian and U.S. materials through an integrated interface.

Law Source provides full text Canadian case law as well as law reviews and journals. The Westlaw tab provides access to US primary materials from State and Federal levels. Materials from the European Union, the Organization of American States, the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong are also accessible.


       LexisNexis Quicklaw

Database contents: LexisNexis Quicklaw is a legal database service which has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news. This database also provides comprehensive coverage of American case law and legislation as well as limited coverage of materials from Britain, the European Community, the Commonwealth, Asia, Africa, Australia & Oceania, Central America & the Caribbean. There is also some international coverage.

FREE CANLII: This resource also includes links to case law from several federal and provincial courts and tribunals.



See the link to Canadian Resources on the Web for specific links to courts or tribunals:

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